


GEORGE: Salsa is now the number one condiment in America.

JERRY: You know why? Because people like to say “salsa.” “Excuse me, do
you have salsa?” “We need more salsa.” “Where is the salsa? No salsa?”

-Seinfeld [1992]

“In a tiny way, I almost feel responsible. I’m the one who sent him to Thailand in search of low-cost whistles, filled his head with pseudoerotic tales of my own Opium excursions… plus, I gave him some phone numbers of places he could score near the hotel.”

-J. Peterman, Seinfeld [1998]

Dev: “You see The Social Network? Max Minghella plays an Indian guy. He’s white. They browned him up.”

Ravi: “No no, I read he’s 1/16th Indian.”

Dev: “Who cares? If you go back far enough we’re all 1/16th something. I’m probably 1/16th black. You think they’re gonna let me play Blade?”

-Master of None [2015]